Cristiano Ronaldo’s Power, Only Shifting 2 Bottles, Coca-Cola Loses IDR 57 Trillion

In a striking demonstration of the influence wielded by sports celebrities, Cristiano Ronaldo recently caused a significant stir in the business world by simply shifting two bottles of Coca-Cola during a press conference. This seemingly minor action led to a staggering loss of IDR 57 trillion (approximately USD 4 billion) in market value for the beverage giant.

The Incident

The incident occurred during a press conference at the UEFA Euro 2020 tournament. As Ronaldo sat down, he noticed two bottles of Coca-Cola placed in front of him, a common practice at sponsored events. Instead of ignoring the bottles, Ronaldo moved them out of the camera’s view and held up a bottle of water, encouraging viewers to drink water instead.

Immediate Impact

Ronaldo’s simple gesture had immediate and far-reaching consequences. Within hours, Coca-Cola’s stock price dropped significantly, resulting in a market value loss estimated at around IDR 57 trillion. The reaction highlighted the profound impact that celebrity endorsements and actions can have on major corporations.

Why It Happened

Several factors contributed to the dramatic market reaction:

1. Ronaldo’s Influence: As one of the most famous athletes in the world, Ronaldo’s actions are closely watched by millions of fans and followers. His endorsement or disapproval of a product can sway public perception and consumer behavior.

2. Health Conscious Message: Ronaldo is known for his commitment to fitness and a healthy lifestyle. By promoting water over a sugary drink like Coca-Cola, he sent a strong message about health and wellness, which resonated with many of his fans and the general public.

3. Market Sensitivity: Stock markets can be highly sensitive to public figures’ actions and statements, especially those with significant influence like Ronaldo. Investors reacted quickly to the potential negative impact on Coca-Cola’s brand image and sales.

Coca-Cola’s Response

Coca-Cola issued a statement in response to the incident, emphasizing that “everyone is entitled to their drink preferences” and highlighting the variety of beverages the company offers, including water. The company aimed to mitigate the negative publicity and reassure investors and consumers.

Broader Implications

This incident underscores the broader implications of celebrity influence in the modern era:

1. Marketing Strategies: Companies need to be aware of the power celebrities hold and how their actions can impact brand perception. Endorsement deals and sponsorships can be a double-edged sword.

2. Public Health Awareness: The incident also brought attention to the growing trend of health consciousness among consumers. Public figures promoting healthier choices can have a significant impact on public behavior and industry practices.

3. Investor Behavior: The stock market’s reaction to such events highlights the importance of understanding investor psychology and the factors that can drive sudden market changes.


Cristiano Ronaldo’s act of shifting two bottles of Coca-Cola may seem trivial, but it led to a dramatic financial consequence, showcasing the incredible power and influence he holds. This incident serves as a reminder of the significant impact that celebrities can have on major corporations and market dynamics. As companies navigate the complex landscape of endorsements and public perception, the power of celebrity influence remains a critical factor to consider.

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